Perfect Balance 3 Player Pack Walkthroughs for (A, B, C, D & E)

Are you looking for the Perfect Balance 3 Walkthrough? Well, you've come to right page of this side of the universe. Below are the walkthrough videos of the Player Packs A, B, C, D and E. Anytime you are ready, just pick a video from below. Enjoy!

Perfect Balance 3 Player Pack A:

This is the Level Pack B of Perfect Balance 3:

We have here also is the Perpect Balance 3 Player Pack C:

The Level Packed D walkthrough of this game full of new shapes.

Last but not the least, we have the Perfect Balance 3 Player Pack E walkthrough solution video.

Which of these Perfect Balance 3 Walkthroughs is the best for you? Leave your comments below.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thats alot of work for you guys then. That makes me want to get an iPhone! Also, theres a new game called Perfect Ballence:Playground. Its pretty good, so one of you guys should get the jump on it so you get the reveiw faster than kong can get it to the front page!

    Perfect Balance 3


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