Doodle Devil walkthrough for All Elements

Doodle Devil walkthrough - The game is from the makers of the hit iphone game doodle god, JoyBits. Created to maintain the balance in the universe and messed up with Doodle God's business. Invent everything from four basics elements that you have and destroy everything to the ground. Wreak havoc and create foul creatures that will be your minions for bringing mayhem to the universe.

Doodle Devil walkthrough.
 You will find a list of all the combinations of elements in this Doodle Devil walkthrough

Air = Starting element
Ash = Fire + House
Earth = Starting element
Energy = Air + Fire
Fire = Starting element
Lava = Earth + Fire
Metal = Stone + Fire
Steam = Water + Fire
Stone = Water + Lava
Water = Starting element

Bat = Vampire + Air
Beast = Starting element
Dove = Rat + Air
Egg = Magic + Stone
Fish = Beast + Water
Piranha = Fish + Weapon
Rat = Beast + Diseases
Snake = Egg + Worm
Wolf = Beast + Wrath
Worm = Magic + Man

Chaos = Starting element
Darkness = Starting element
Death = Human + Life
Diseases = Tobacco + Man
Inferno = Human + Murder
Magic = Demon + Energy
Sect = Heresy + Religion
Sin = Human + Apple
Styx = Water + Death
Suffering = Fire + House

Angel = Life = Light
Friendship = Human + Human
Heavens = Fire + Witch
Life = Man + Woman
Light = Starting element
Order = Starting element
Prayer = Angel + Human
Religion = Human + Prayer
Resurrection = Soul + Corpse
Soul = Demon + Human

A.I. = Computer + Life
Car = Oil + Mechanism
Cellphone = Radio Wave + Computer
Computer = TV + Book
Cyborg = AI + Robot
Electricity = Energy + Metal
Internet = Computer + Computer
Radio Wave = Electricity + Air
Robot = Mechanism + Computer
TV = Mechanism + Demon

Blood = Weapon + Beast
Corpse = Human + Murder
Food = Weapon + Beast
Human = Starting element
Lawyer = Human + Copyright
Politician = Human + Pride
Man = Starting element
Sekz = Man + Woman
Witch = Woman + Magic
Woman = Starting element

Cerberus = Beast + Death
Cthulhu = Demon + Water
Demon = Beast + Darkness
Dragon = Magic + Egg
Frankenstein = Corpse + electricity
Hydra = Snake + Beast
Mutant = Human + Darkness
Vampire = Blood + Human
Werewolf = Man + Beast
Zombie = Life + Corpse

Apple = Starting Element
Coffee = Seeds + Energy
Grass = Earth + Seeds
Mushroom = Earth + Seeds
Seeds = Apple + Earth
Tobacco = Grass + Fire
Tree = Earth + Seeds

Envy = Sin + Greed
Gluttony = Sin + Food
Greed = Sin + Money
Heresy = Religion + Sin
Lust = Sin + Sekz
Murder = Sin + Corpse
Pride = Sin + Sin
Sloth = Sin + Work
Theft = Sin + Money
Wrath = Sin + Weapon

Atheism = Human + Heresy
Book = Human + Knowledge
Censored = Mechanism + Sekz
Copyright = Demon + Order
Gambling = Human + Greed
Knowledge = Human + Apple
Money = Soul + Demon
Psychology = Human + Heresy
War = Politician + Pride
Work = Man + Money

Acid = Water + Sulfur
Bomb = TNT + Metal
House = Stone + Human
Mechanism = Metal + Work
Nuclear Bomb = Bomb + Mushroom
Oil = Earth + Knowledge
Poison = Tobacco + Coffee
Sulfur = Inferno + Air
TNT = Oil + Acid
Weapon = Human + Metal

All of the combination of elements shown in the Doodle Evil walkthrough can be done with trial and error.


  1. pirhana, bat, wolf
    cerberus, mutant

    Do not exist. If you add the list up including these you get 107. In the game there is actually only 100

    1. Dude, not true.... I have all of them plus more... I have 172 elements right now, nub.

    2. Chillax! There's 2 Doodle Devils, 1 has 100 and the other 172... Even Doodle God is like that...

    3. the one on windows 8 has 198

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I did all of them and I still don't have 100!

  2. Lol! I know. why did you make them up? There was no point. Stick the real elements. Good suggestion though. :D

    1. You both must be playing an out-dated version, imbeciles.

  3. Psst, there are 157 Elements, for the IPOD. lol duh, haven't you all read the updates? The updates are Priority ONLY via iPod/iPhone... facts straight please.
    And alot of these combos are wrong, lol

    1. There is 190 in doodle devil f2p

    2. There is also elf unicorn wizard tower warrior armor piganus and dragon and lots of other things

  4. You can make the same element out of several different combinations. Facts straight please.

  5. trololollol. leprechaun, they DO exist. and that guy with iPod .. on my HTC there are 170 elements, so HAHHAHA. get a life .. in here:

  6. For the Ipod, they've updated again, and now there are 190.

  7. I cant seem to find a walkthrough for all 190 elements... TIME TO SPAM OMG BUTTON

  8. I use my ipod to play it btw...
    Im not sure there would be an omg button on pc

    1. I don't either, seeing as I use iPhone to play.... But there isn't a omg button on iPhones.

  9. There definitely is a difference. My hubby has the Citrus and his game only has the 170 elements. I play on iPod touch and have the current 190. So yes these elements are correct for some.

  10. Also, there are sometimes different ways to get one element. And between hubby and I, were finding out what works for me doesn't work for his. Just have to look hard for the right walkthrough :)

  11. There are 170 combinations on my Android if you don't play kid safe. Any one know those combinations?

  12. how to make corpse...........
    corpse = human + murder
    murder = sin + corpse

  13. kindle fire hd theres 198 elements

  14. Medusa: demon + stone, Baal = demon + war, Cthulhu = demon + water, Chimera = demon + beast, Shub-Niggurath = demon + gluttony, Astaroth = demon + pride, Mammon = demon + greed, succubus = demon + lust, Kronos = demon + wrath


Please play it nice in the comments! Thank you.