Stone Age Cage Escape Walkthrough

Stone Age Cage Escape is another point and click room escape game series from StoneAgeGames. In the description of this game: You are lost in the badlands and the only way to escape is calling for help over radio. But first you need to find some missing things to make your escape successful. Anyways, here is a Stone Age Cage Escape Walkthrough we've got from SneakSnake, an active fan of EscapeGames24 where he wrote:
On the cage is the beginning of a sequence.
I starts with 1,3.
II starts with 2,4.
III starts with 3,6.
IV starts with 1,2.

On your piece of paper you see for the first 1 and 2. Combine it with the I from the cage and you know the sequence is 1(+2)= 3 (+2)= 5 (+2)= 7.
So the sequence is 1,3,5,7.
We'll try to come up with a full Stone Age Cage Escape Walkthrough on the next update. Play game here.

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