
What the heck is walkthrough? We always hear this term. We even search for it often when we play games and are stuck on certain part, stage or level of the game. Alright, just for the sake of facts, the term walkthrough is used for describing the consideration of a process at an abstract level often employed in the software industry according to Wikipedia.

In video games, the term walkthrough is used to describe a document which attempts to teach a player how to beat, solve or win a particular game. Some people consider a walkthrough to be a form of cheat or a malicious act or method of winning a game. But, in others point of view it is still debatable because the game developers themselves provide walkthroughs to all their game releases.

Anyways, as long as players like us kept being stuck on a particular game, walkthroughs will continue to be produced. This blog is going to be one of the leading producers of walkthrough, but, the ultimate ones.

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